Delano Contrabassoon Reeds


Delano contrabassoon reeds are designed to play in all registers easily and with a warm sound. These reeds come in 2 shapes: K1 and NN. The K1 is Rieger cane and the Rieger K1 shape. NN is Rieger or Medir cane and the Norbert Nielubowski shape. All reeds are play tested on an older Fox contrabassoon with a Heckel bocal.

Adjustment tips from the reed maker:

If you don’t love the reed when you first put it on the bocal, try flipping it over. Most reeds work better on one side than the other.

If the tip is too closed and the reed needs more resistance, round the first wire.

If the tip is too open and the reed needs more resistance, round the second wire.

If the tip is too closed and the reed needs to be more free blowing, flatten the second wire.

If the tip is too open and the reed needs to be more free blowing, flatten the first wire.

To improve response, take a small amount of cane from the tip with a piece of 400 to 600 grit sandpaper. (Try not to take too much out in the absolute middle; this will weaken the reed too much and cause pitch issues.)

If the reed seems too stiff and you have tried all of the wire adjustments above, take a small amount of cane out of the back third of the reed.



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