Buffet Professional Grenadilla Oboe

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A creation of unrivalled craftsmanship, the Buffet Crampon oboes produce a quality of sound that professionals demand. The instruments are manufactured from only the finest, well-seasoned selected Grenadilla wood.
The BC-3613 professional oboe has silver-plated keywork and a full conservatorysystem that includes low Bb, left F, third octave key, Bb vent,forked-Fresonance, split ring D#-E trill, G#-A trill, articulated B-C#mechanism, banana key, and Bb-B trill. Metal-lined tenons, highPhiladelphia D, and anadjustable thumbrest are standard. The upper joint has cork pads andthe lower joint has GORE-TEX and cork pads. Comes with French case,cover, and accessories. A 2-year crack and 1-year adjustment warranty included with purchase.